Brownfield Projects

Markwardt Building

A “Brownfield project” is an urban planning term used to denote land that has been previously used but is currently lying vacant or unused and is being considered for some sort of revitalization or re-use effort. The term “Brownfield” refers to land that was previously used for a commercial or industrial purpose and that might contain hazardous substances or pollution based on its prior use or adjacent uses.

Brownfield projects generally start with environmental site assessments (ESA’s) which are typically conducted for a city, county, private parties, or other organization to determine the situations of the property before decisions regarding property transactions are made. These efforts to understand the specific conditions of a property prior to a sale or transaction are often called “due diligence”. Brownfield projects can also include environmental sampling, cleanup and re-use planning. Both federal funds and state grants are available for Brownfield projects.




Update 5-29-2024

The asbestos abatement of the interior of the former Markwardt Bros. Garage is complete. The next steps in the environmental clean-up of the property are to demolish the building and begin excavation and confirmation sampling of subsurface structures (underground storage tanks and hydraulic lifts). Demolition is planned to start around the 1st of July. You can comment on the Alternatives to Brownfield Cleanup Actions (ABCA) report and on mitigation measures the city has proposed to address the adverse effects of demolition of the building, which is considered a historic resource. Links to these documents can be found below. Please join us at the Chiloquin Connects meeting on June 5th to learn more about the project and provide your thoughts on future property uses, which must remain dedicated to the public interest. 

Update 12-5-2023

In a race against the upcoming snow storm, the City and specialized contractors, worked diligently to remove the debris pile adjacent to the Markwardt building. The elimination of the debris pile not only improves the look and feel of downtown but also sets the stage for the future development of the Markwardt building. Stay tuned for forthcoming opportunities to actively participate in shaping this future.

Update 11-19-2023

Starting Monday November 20 contractors for the City of Chiloquin will begin to remove the debris pile from behind the Markwardt Brothers Building at the corner of Chocktoot and First Avenue. Please slow down and give the trucks entering and exiting the roadway some extra space.

This project is funded by grants from the Business Oregon Brownfield Program and includes the removal of the construction and demolition debris pile from the collapsed former Chiloquin Mercantile. Remnants of drywall material within debris pile have tested positive for asbestos.  Due to the nature of the debris pile, the asbestos containing material cannot be completely segregated from the pile, therefore the entire pile must be treated as asbestos-contaminated material and subject to asbestos abatement regulations. Removal of the pile will follow relevant state and federal regulations including perimeter air monitoring. An Inadvertent Discovery Plan has been prepared and approved if cultural resources are discovered during the work. The following documents are available below and at city hall.

Update 10-25-2023

The City has been awarded a Business Oregon Brownfield Program grant to remove the debris pile created by the collapse of the former Chiloquin Mercantile Building at Chocktoot and First Street. Testing of various materials in the pile determined that drywall fragments interspersed throughout the pile contain asbestos. Because the fragments are not easily segregated from the pile, the entire pile must be managed and disposed of as asbestos-containing material. As such this project is subject to state asbestos management and abatement regulations. The City has completed the contractor selection process for this work and hopes to conduct the work in the near future – weather permitting.

Update 5-15-2023

A public meeting was conducted at the Chiloquin Community Center on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 to provide the community with an update of the various Brownfield projects underway within the City of Chiloquin. Kieth Ziobron from CHA Consulting and Cathy Stuhr from Chiloquin Community Builders provided the update and conducted a community feedback session. For more information, please view the documents below; Business Oregon Funded Debris Pile Removal, Former Markwardt Brother's Garage, and Community-Wide Brownfield Assessment. 


Former Markwardt Bros. Garage Brownfield Assessment Project

A garage has existed on this site since 1919, though the current building was built around 1924. The former uses include a car dealership, gas station, warehouse, and auto body repair shop. The building is deteriorating; however, its vaulted roof line is reminiscent of days past. The building sits vacant at the heart of downtown and is one of only a handful of historic buildings still standing in Chiloquin. Sadly, unless this building can be evaluated for restoration and reuse in a timely manner, it will likely be considered for demolition. Klamath County has offered the former Markwardt Bros. Garage to the City of Chiloquin and to facilitate due diligence, the city has secured funding from Business Oregon to complete an Environmental Site Assessment (ESA).

Project Updates:

The environmental conditions that were identified included 3 hydraulic lifts, 1 oil change pit, 1 hydraulic vault and associated reservoir, 1 underground storage tank, asbestos containing materials and lead-based coated surfaces on the interior of the building.

An EPA grant application was submitted and the city was awarded a $403,000 cleanup grant. Funding is expected in September 2022. Additionally, a grant from Business Oregon was awarded for cleanup of the debris pile next to the building. Requests for bids was sent out to qualified sub-contractors by Cardno and several bids were received. The removal of the debris is expected during Summer 2022. The city purchased the property from Klamath County at the end of 2021 in order to continue with the environmental cleanup and restoration.

Upcoming Project Work:

Building RE-use Visioning/Planning - Summer 2023

Design Phase Investigation - Fall 2023

Property Cleanup - Summer 2024


City of Chiloquin EPA Brownfield Community-wide Assessment Project 

The focus of the City of Chiloquin (Oregon) EPA Brownfield Community-wide Assessment project includes sites that have the potential for impacts or perceived impacts from hazardous substances and petroleum releases. These sites could include former car dealerships, automotive repair facilities lumber mills, former gas stations, dry cleaners, and other industrial, commercial, and abandoned residential properties. These same sites, once assessed, and if necessary, cleaned up, will lend to redevelopment projects that have the potential to bring jobs and community resources with the use of sustainable redevelopment practices, such as the reuse of existing infrastructure while preserving the natural beauty of the area

The proposed project will provide environmental due diligence, cleanup planning, and reuse planning services necessary to position the eligible priority properties and other sites for sale and redevelopment, or for use as safe municipally owned open/recreational space. These activities will accommodate new investments by stimulating the availability of other funds and resources, creating new jobs, particularly in the sectors of health services and small business, and medical/social services.

The assessment and reuse of the sites align with the preliminary community input towards the recently completed City of Chiloquin Strategic Plan and the adopted Chiloquin Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan. Through the brownfield program, the city will address potential contamination in the key structures and land areas that will be integral to completing our vision.

The proposed project will lay the groundwork for providing real estate for reuse/redevelopment and creation of safe open/recreational space; thus, accommodating new investments by stimulating the availability of other funds and resources, creating jobs, particularly in the sectors of renewable energy, eco-tourism, and housing (with aging-in place options for a growing elderly population), as well as generating higher wages and improving property values and increasing property tax revenues for the City.

Project Updates:

Phase I Environmental Site Assessments – visual observations and records review

  • Former Markwardt Brother’s Garage
  • Vacant lot to rear of Markwardt Brother’s Garage
  • Former Hotel Assemblage • Modoc Motors
  • HIRVI Building

Phase II Environmental Site Assessments – multimedia sample collection and testing

  • Former Markwardt Brother’s Garage
  • HIRVI Building

Limited Hazardous Materials Surveys (asbestos/lead-based paint)

  • Former Markwardt Brother’s Garage
  • HIRVI Building

Development Opportunities Inventory (DOI):

  • City-wide inventory of buildings and properties that might benefit from environmental assessment activities to help promote/catalyze reuse or redevelopment


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